

Sir Hans Sloane Centre  from its very beginning, before all else was brought about, has worked with the local schools to give pupils the experience of  learning through Discovery.  These are opportunities for young people to learn in an informal way before they put up barriers to their ability to enjoy learning. Opportunities for them to discover their interests and talents and to acquire new skills that promote and support learning.  We work through providing school workshops, student work experience, science clubs,  summer schemes, street science days and our contribution to events by other providers for which we provide the science input.  Many of these learning experiences are recorded in our News section.

STEM Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics

 Projects included: Engineering water filters from recycled plastic bottles,  the Science of Butterflies and making paper butterflies.   The Science of Bubbles- giant size with children and teenagers inside!! Secondary School students ran an aerospace project and pupils of 6 different secondary schools were loaned the Microbit credit card sized computers to design their own projects.  Our most recent project takes in engineering and architecture in the built environment and will involve students creating a model for a local rural regeneration environment project. 3D printing will be used to recreate the Shrigley Monument.    Funding from the Royal College of Pathology is allowing us to engage 6th form students in running a science day on Infectious Diseases using the resources of the RCP.

Student Work Experience

Our aim is to become a digital hub and work with schools to engage students in a great variety of work experience- history, science, crafts and trades. Schools and pupils should get in touch for more details . To date we have given student work experience in science communication and outreach, museum curation, child care, office admin, garden design and bicycle repair.