Talk by Bob Brown OBE – 20th November – 7pm

Jamaica and Strangford Lough…  What’s Hans Sloane got to do with it?” 

Bob Browne OBE is our local marine biologist of great renown. Bob worked for almost fifty years in research and conservation, living in Jamaica for three years doing research and lecturing at the University of the West Indies.   He managed the National Trust’s Strangford Lough Wildlife Scheme for a decade before becoming head of RSPB’s work in Northern Ireland.  Bob now works independently and contributes to the work of a number of government and non-government environmental committees and projects.  He is a Trustee of Ulster Wildlife and gives lectures on expedition ships in the Polar Regions and the South Atlantic.   Not to be missed- put the date in your diaries.  Bob is kindly providing this event to help us raise vital core funds for the Centre. Entry £10